Get Anything For FREE From Ebay ( Blackhat Leak )

Good afternoon my dear friends, today I'm releasing this method (not tested by me) so you can get free shit off ebay.
It's blackhat so... yea.

- Paypal Account WITH MONEY
- FAKE Credit Card (Or fake vcc or whatever, I'll explain below)
- Free Time

1. Go over Ebay and create a new account (with a new email).
2. Verify your email and your account will be verified.
3. Now look for the items you want to get for free and pay for them (proceed with order).
Do it on a Monday and use a drop house.
4. On Tuesday morning add a fake credit card (or card that has been used on other account) to your Ebay account.
5. If everything goes all right, your account will be closed/blocked so you won't be able to see if your items were shipped or not through Ebay but they usually ship 24-48h later and you'll get a confirmation on your email...
6. With your Ebay account blocked/closed, go over Paypal and charge back. You can also wait a couple of days to pretend you are waiting for it to be shipped.
On the charge back write something like: "Well, for some reason my Ebay account got suspended/blocked and I'm unable to use it. I never got the items I paid for so I want a full refund in the value of blabla $."
7. If they refuse to pay you back because it was shipped already, escalate it to a Paypal claim.
Pretend you don't know why your account was blocked and say you never received the item. If they provide a shipping number try to SE Paypal saying that it's a fake one and it never got shipped to your house, etc.
8. Sometimes the seller will say: "okay, we'll send another xxproductxx to your house and that's it" it's still a win. because you get the product you ordered... twice. Surprised Otherwise Paypal will refund you and everything will go as expected... Tongue


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